Woke University: Call for Presenters

Interested in presenting and participating in the SCCPA series Woke University? 
Contact Briahnna Ismail (bismail@email.sc.edu) for more information or to discuss a presentation. 

Digital Resource Center Survey:

SCCPA is looking to create a digital resource center for student affairs professionals. We want to know what digital tools and resources you use so we can work smarter, not harder! The tools mentioned in this survey will be added to the online resources page of the website.
Please help us build the resource center by completing the survey.

2022 ACPA Annual Convention Updates:

Registration and the call for proposals for the 2022 Annual Convention is open. Represent yourself, your institution, and SCPPA by submitting a proposal to present at the Annual Convention. Please see the Annual Convention Website for more information. http://convention.myacpa.org/stlouis2022/.

2021 Fall Drive-In Conference