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SCCPA Nominations & Elections

SCCPA Special Election

Join SCCPA Leadership in 2022! You can be actively involved in the current and future direction of our organization and student affairs across the state of SC. If you enjoy bringing student affairs professionals together to gain knowledge and grow professionally from each other, this is the perfect opportunity for you!

Nominations for 2022 elected board positions are closed. Please contact us if you have interest in serving on the board in the future.

*Special Election Ballot is now Live!
Election will close at 11:59 PM EST on Thursday, March 31, 2022.
Please use the link available via the email in your inbox, ballots will time out in 30 minutes from the time you log in.

Please contact Tim Arth at with any technical questions during this process.

Elected Positions & Candidates for 2022

President-Elect (3-year commitment, 2022-2024)

The President-Elect is an elected position within the South Carolina College Personnel Association (SCCPA) board and currently serves as part of the Presidential Trio. The main goal for this position is to provide support and oversight to SCCPA’s professional development initiatives and support the President and Past-President in advancing their organizational goals. This position begins a three-year President cycle: Year 1 (2022) – President Elect; Year 2 (2023) – President; Year 3 (2024) – Past President.


Rachel Hill

Rachel Hill is the Executive Director of Academic Success at Limestone University. Rachel has worked in education for over 15 years, working as a teacher, before transitioning to higher education over 10 years ago. She actively participates in several professional organizations, as well as serving on Staff Council at Limestone. Rachel is currently the Director of Membership Development for SCCPA and has been involved in several SCCPA events as a presenter and conference committee member.
She is excited to serve SCCPA as the President-Elect, working with the Executive Board, Chairs, and constituents across South Carolina to support higher education professionals as their grow and progress through their careers.
Rachel earned her BA from Winthrop University and her MA from UNC-Charlotte. Originally from the great state of New York, Rachel is proud to call South Carolina home.

Director of Administrative Operations (2-year commitment, 2022-2023)


The Director of Administrative Operations is an elected position within the South Carolina College Personnel Association (SCCPA) board and currently reports to the President of the organization. The main goal for this position is to maintain the documents and financial records of the current activities of SCCPA and its Executive Board as well as serve as a liaison with the ACPA International Office to facilitate the payment and reimbursement processes and maintain the SCCPA annual budget.

Director of Equity and Inclusion (2-year commitment, 2022-2023)


The Director of Equity and Inclusion is an elected position within the South Carolina College Personnel Association (SCCPA) board and reports to the President of the organization. The main goal for this position is to serve as a guide for SCCPA and its Executive Board on issues pertaining to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within the organization. This role leads DEI programs and initiatives, including the annual Equity and Inclusion Institute, and develops strategic partnerships with constituents across the state in order to diversify SCCPA’s membership by engaging with historically minoritized groups at South Carolina colleges and universities.

Available Appointed Positions
for 2022

SCCPA has various appointed positions that are also available. Selectees must be members of SCCPA or have the intent to join SCCPA immediately if appointed. Candidates for appointed positions will be contacted by the SCCPA President or designee to discuss and interview for the position. To nominate yourself or others for an available appointed position, contact Katie Maxwell, SCCPA Past-President,

2022 Fall Drive-In Conference Chair (1-year commitment)


With strong support from the leadership team, the fall conference chair will lead a planning committee and coordinate all aspects of the fall 2022 conference. The chair will be responsible for coordinating and documenting all logistics of the conference and will report to the SCCPA board regularly throughout the planning process. The successful candidate should begin duties immediately after acceptance and remain until all post conference details are completed. It is preferred, but not required, that this individual has attended or served on a committee for a previous SCCPA conference or event.

Qualifications for
Elected Position Candidates

Each elected officer shall be a current member in good standing of SCCPA in order to run for office. Nominees for President-Elect must have held an elected or appointed position on the SCCPA executive board within three years of being nominated, or held an elected or appointed position for ACPA, or held an elected position within a recognized student affairs organization.