In this issue:

  • Upcoming Election
  • Upcoming Discussion and Webinar Topics
  • Renew Your Membership
  • Hiring Season
  • Fall 2024 Conference

Conference Registration

Upcoming Election:

We will have an election for the Following Positions:

Director of Administrative Operations
Director of Equity & Inclusion
Director of Membership Development

Upcoming ACPA Community Conversation Webinar: Campus Protest

ACPA-College Student Educators International through its Public Policy and Governmental Affairs Task Force is coordinating a series of “Community Conversations” designed to provide space for ACPA members. ACPA is committed to providing opportunities for its members to engage in critical topics and issues affecting the work taking place in higher education.

This first set of “Community Conversations” provides an opportunity for sharing perspectives, engaging with colleagues and to discuss the ramifications of what is taking place with the current protests, the nature of the institutional responses and how this may affect freedom of expression within higher education institutions.

To register, please go here:

Upcoming Discussion and Webinar Topics: 

With the ever-changing environment of Higher Education, we want to make sure that we are having conversations and webinars about topics that interest you. Please select from the below list:

Renew Your Membership

Renew Your Membership at

Hiring Season; Have a friend join you in the Great State of South Carolina!

South Carolina HigherEdJobs

Fall 2024 Conference

We are almost ready to announce the date and location for the upcoming conference. We should have more information next month.